Normally, org-mode ignores your attempts to markup text that starts with
" or '. That’s probably a safe measure because "~/" is a very
common string to write but ~ is one of Org’s markup elements.
Fixing that is a simple matter, but it takes a bit of digging around. We just
need to remove those two characters from the 3rd element of
;; This HAS to come before (require 'org)(setqorg-emphasis-regexp-components'(" ('\"{“”""- .,!?;''“”\")}/\\“”"" \r\n,""."1))
Applying Markup to Strings in org-mode
07 Jul 2015, by Artur Malabarba.Normally,
ignores your attempts to markup text that starts with " or '. That’s probably a safe measure because"~/"
is a very common string to write but~
is one of Org’s markup elements.Fixing that is a simple matter, but it takes a bit of digging around. We just need to remove those two characters from the 3rd element of
.Tags: org-mode, init.el, emacs,
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