When writing prose, I find auto-completion to be more of a distraction
then an aid. However, my field of research involves much
repetition of some annoyingly long words, such as “thermalization” or
Instead of completely disabling auto-complete, I've found it useful to dial it
down a notch, while still letting it trigger on these monstrosities.
(setqac-auto-start3)(setqcompany-minimum-prefix-length3)(defunendless/config-prose-completion()"Make auto-complete less agressive in this buffer."(setq-localcompany-minimum-prefix-length6)(setq-localac-auto-start6))(add-hook'text-mode-hook#'endless/config-prose-completion)
This will offer completions based on previously typed text, but only when I
stumble while typing a long word.
Do you use any kind of tab completion for writing prose? It seems
company-mode has an Ispell back-end, has anyone ever tried that?
Tab Completion for Prose
08 Dec 2014, by Artur Malabarba.When writing prose, I find auto-completion to be more of a distraction then an aid. However, my field of research involves much repetition of some annoyingly long words, such as “thermalization” or “distinguishability”.
Instead of completely disabling auto-complete, I've found it useful to dial it down a notch, while still letting it trigger on these monstrosities.
This will offer completions based on previously typed text, but only when I stumble while typing a long word.
Do you use any kind of tab completion for writing prose? It seems
has an Ispell back-end, has anyone ever tried that?Tags: writing, company, autocomplete, init.el, emacs,
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