Keeping a REPL (or a console) always by your side is never a bad habit, and if
you use an IDE-package (like Robe for Ruby, or Cider for Clojure) it’s nigh
unavoidable. Being an essential part of your environment, it would be ridiculous
not to invest some time optimizing it.
One obvious optimization is to bind a key to your “start console” command, but
that’s just the start. You pretty much never need two running consoles for the
same project, so why not have the same key switch to it if it’s already running?
But we can go a bit farther with very little work. I have a file where I define
a lot of small helper methods for my Ruby console, so let’s require it
automatically whenever a new console is started.
(defcustomendless/ruby-extensions-file"../console_extensions.rb""File loaded when a ruby console is started.
Name is relative to the project root.");; Skip ENV prompt that shows up in some cases.(setqinf-ruby-console-environment"development")(defunendless/run-ruby()(interactive)(require'inf-ruby)(let((default-directory(projectile-project-root))(was-running(get-buffer-processinf-ruby-buffer)));; This function automatically decides between starting;; a new console or visiting an existing one.(inf-ruby-console-auto)(when(and(notwas-running)(get-buffer-process(current-buffer))(file-readable-pendless/ruby-extensions-file));; If this brand new buffer has lots of lines then;; some exception probably happened.(send-string(get-buffer-process(current-buffer))(concat"require '"endless/ruby-extensions-file"'\n")))));; CIDER users might recognize this key.(define-keyruby-mode-map(kbd"C-c M-j")#'endless/run-ruby)
If you use Projectile and want to go even faster, check out the j key
on my post about Projectile.
Turbo up your Ruby console in Emacs
02 Oct 2017, by Artur Malabarba.Keeping a REPL (or a console) always by your side is never a bad habit, and if you use an IDE-package (like Robe for Ruby, or Cider for Clojure) it’s nigh unavoidable. Being an essential part of your environment, it would be ridiculous not to invest some time optimizing it.
One obvious optimization is to bind a key to your “start console” command, but that’s just the start. You pretty much never need two running consoles for the same project, so why not have the same key switch to it if it’s already running?
But we can go a bit farther with very little work. I have a file where I define a lot of small helper methods for my Ruby console, so let’s require it automatically whenever a new console is started.
If you use Projectile and want to go even faster, check out the j key on my post about Projectile.
Tags: console, ruby, programming, init.el, emacs,
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