Endless Parentheses

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Aggressive-indent just got better!

aggressive-indent is quite something. I’ve only just released it and it seems to have been very well received. As such, it’s only fair that I invest a bit more time into it.

The original version was really just a hack that was born as an answer on Emacs.SE. It worked phenomenally well on emacs-lisp-mode (to my delight), but it lagged a bit on c-like modes.

The new version, which is already on Melpa, is much smarter and more optimised. It should work quite well on any mode where automatic indentation makes sense (python users, voice your suggestions).

As a bonus, here’s a stupendous screencast, courtesy of Tu Do!



Instructions are still the same! So long as you have Melpa configured, you can install it with.

M-x package-install RET aggressive-indent

Then simply turn it on and you’ll never have unindented code again.


You can also turn it on locally with.

(add-hook 'emacs-lisp-mode-hook #'aggressive-indent-mode)

Tags: package, indent, emacs,

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