In contrast with fetching pull requests, which either requires a minor-mode or
some long-named branches, creating pull requests is as easy as a one-key deal.
*If you’re reading this now, note that this code was written for an older Magit
version. An up-to-date version of the code (working with latest Magit) can be
found on this other post.*
Because sx.el (a package which I really ought to blog about) was developed as a
group effort, Sean and I decided early on to use PRs for everything.
Predictably, the need arose for a quick way to create them, and I promptly asked
Emacs.StackExchange for help. The solution below is a courtesy of Constantine.
(defunendless/visit-pull-request-url()"Visit the current branch's PR on Github."(interactive)(browse-url(format""(replace-regexp-in-string"\\`.+github\\.com:\\(.+\\)\\.git\\'""\\1"(magit-get"remote"(magit-get-current-remote)"url"))(magit-get-current-branch))))(eval-after-load'magit'(define-keymagit-mode-map"V"#'endless/visit-pull-request-url))
After hitting V, you just need to press the big green button at the Github
Easily Create Github PRs from Magit
17 Mar 2015, by Artur Malabarba.GitHub Integration post series
In contrast with fetching pull requests, which either requires a minor-mode or some long-named branches, creating pull requests is as easy as a one-key deal.
*If you’re reading this now, note that this code was written for an older Magit version. An up-to-date version of the code (working with latest Magit) can be found on this other post.*
Because sx.el (a package which I really ought to blog about) was developed as a group effort, Sean and I decided early on to use PRs for everything. Predictably, the need arose for a quick way to create them, and I promptly asked Emacs.StackExchange for help. The solution below is a courtesy of Constantine.
After hitting V, you just need to press the big green button at the Github page.
Tags: magit, init.el, emacs,
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