Endless Parentheses

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Launcher Keymap for Standalone Features

Mnemonic Keymaps post series

Following on our series of mnemonic keymaps, we arrive on the launcher-map. Where the toggle-map was designed for toggling values and minor-modes we only use every once in a while, the launcher-map runs those standalone features of Emacs that also don't always see the light of day.

To remember these keybinds, think of “Emacs launch calc” for instance.

(define-prefix-command 'launcher-map)
;; `C-x l' is `count-lines-page' by default. If you
;; use that, you can try s-l or <C-return>.
(define-key ctl-x-map "l" 'launcher-map)
(global-set-key (kbd "s-l") 'launcher-map)
(define-key launcher-map "p" #'paradox-list-packages)
(define-key launcher-map "c" #'calc)
(define-key launcher-map "d" #'ediff-buffers)
(define-key launcher-map "f" #'find-dired)
(define-key launcher-map "g" #'lgrep)
(define-key launcher-map "G" #'rgrep)
(define-key launcher-map "h" #'man) ; Help
(define-key launcher-map "i" #'package-install-from-buffer)
(define-key launcher-map "n" #'endless/visit-notifications)
(define-key launcher-map "s" #'shell)

calc, man, list-packages… I use these features, on average, once or twice every other moon. An intuitive keymap is exactly what I need to always remember their keybinds and not have to M-x their whole name.

Update <30 Nov 2015>

Changed the n key from nethack to endless/visit-notifications, as per the new post.