Endless Parentheses

Ramblings on productivity and technical subjects.

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ANSI-colors in the compilation buffer output

Countless build tools and shell scripts use ANSI escape codes to colorize their output. This provides impressive improvements to readability when running from a terminal that supports them, but tends to cause a catastrophic mess anywhere else. Emacs’ compilation buffer is one such place. It doesn’t support ANSI colors by default, but that’s very easy to fix. [...]

Emacs is available on Chromebook and Chrome

Are you a Chromebook user or thinking of becoming one? Are you a die-hard Emacser who needs to see it run even in your browser for no good reason (no judgement)? Either way, Emacs has you covered. Thanks to the efforts of Pete Williamson (and friends), there is now an Emacs port for Chromebook and Chrome. [...]

Improving Projectile with extra commands

Admittedly, I’m a very late passenger in this boat — only after 4 years of using Emacs did I decide to try a project manager. Nowadays I can’t even remember my daily workflow without Projectile. This package mostly stays out of your way, and provides a series of useful commands for dealing with a project (which are aware of a lot of languages out-of-the-box). As usual, you can find details in the readme, and we’ll jump straight into useful configurations. [...]

Running Emacs on Android

As Android phones rise in power, bluetooth keyboards become cheaper, and your addiction to Emacs grows, it’s only natural that you start thinking of combining the three. Fortunately for you, it’s not as hard as it used to be. In fact, it’s perfectly possible to reproduce (most of) your desktop config, if you know how to get past a few obstacles. [...]

Eval-result-overlays in Emacs-lisp

One of the things I like most in CIDER is how evaluation results are displayed by inline overlays. And yet, for some reason, it’s taken me almost a year to transfer that to Elisp. [...]

Leave the cursor at start of match after isearch

Have you ever stopped to think about why isearch leaves point at the end of the match? It does make some intuitive sense to leave you after the characters you have just typed, but that doesn’t make it the most practical behaviour. [...]

A small improvement to clj-refactor

I’ve said before that clj-refactor is a magical package, and you wouldn’t catch me bad-mouthing it in a million release cycles, but it’s impossible to please everybody. [...]

Conditional breakpoints in the CIDER Debugger

CIDER 0.11.0 has been out for less than week and already the snapshots are getting new features. This one comes from a gentleman called Chris Perkins. It provides an easy way to automatically skip some breakpoints during evaluation, and it even comes with 300 brand new lines of tests. [...]

Commands to thread and unwind code in Emacs-Lisp

As you may remember, one of the commands I like the most from the clj-refactor package are the ones that thread and unwind Clojure code forms for you. Now that Emacs is also getting built-in threading macros, I figured the best way to give them a fair chance in life is to also make them pretty convenient to use. [...]

New in Emacs 25.1: More flow control macros

One of my personal favorite new additions to Emacs 25 is, in fact, completely invisible to most users. The new macros if-let and when-let, although simple in purpose, are a delight to use and are frequently finding their way into my code. The other two additions, thread-first and thread-last, are a bit more specific, and take a bit getting-used-to if you’ve never seen them before. [...]

New in Emacs 25.1: map.el library

Another library by the productive Nicolas Petton. map.el is a cousin to seq.el (remember?), but instead of manipulating plain sequences, it manipulates map-like collections (also known as dictionaries). [...]

New in Emacs 25.1: EWW improvements

In the upcoming version, EWW is getting a number of small improvements. This web browser, written by Lars Ingebrigtsen, is something of a new kid on the block, as it just came to life at the very end of the Emacs 24 cycle. Although it’s hard, if not impossible, to reliably render HTML inside an editor that’s 100% line-based, EWW tends to find a reasonable compromise and deserves at least a short post to cherish new features. [...]

New in Emacs 25.1: Easily search for non-ASCII characters

Since last week’s post was about Unicode characters, it makes sense to continue that trend today. This feature might go unnoticed by a lot of people who live in an ASCII world, but it will probably jump out at everyone else at one point or another. The name, if a bit odd, is “character-folding search”. [...]

New in Emacs 25.1: Round quotes in Help buffers

Don’t be fooled by the apparent simplicity of this feature. Its implementation has been the most controversial addition to the upcoming Emacs release — to a comical degree. This post, however, is not about arguments or implementation, it’s about Emacs 25. And this little nugget is all set for the next release. [...]

Quickly search for occurrences of the symbol at point

Isearch is one of Emacs’ most useful (and probably most used) features. Getting in the habit of quickly hitting C-s followed by 2–4 letters will forever change the way you navigate buffers, and adding it to your repertoire is a tremendous productivity improvement. What, then, could we possibly improve on such a phenomenal command? [...]