Why we don't have a comment/uncomment-line function is beyond me. While we fix
that, might as well make it as complete as possible.
(defunendless/comment-line(n)"Comment or uncomment current line and leave point after it.
With positive prefix, apply to N lines including current one.
With negative prefix, apply to -N lines above."(interactive"p")(let((range(list(line-beginning-position)(goto-char(line-end-positionn)))))(comment-or-uncomment-region(apply#'minrange)(apply#'maxrange)))(forward-line1)(back-to-indentation))
Short and sweet, isn't it? In analogy to M-;. I find C-; to be a great
binding for it. This way I can quickly comment 3 lines by hitting C-3 C-;.
Also, because it moves forward after commenting, you can conveniently do things
like comment every other line by repeatedly doing C-; C-n.
Update <2015-02-01 Sun>
The previous version didn't quite work for negative prefix arguments, so I've
updated the above snippet to fix that.
Also, quite a few people requested (or proposed) a version which acts on region
if active. I already use M-; for that (and I also its other modes of
operation), but I can see why people would want that so I've added it below.
It's similar to the one suggested by Kaushal Modi.
(defunendless/comment-line-or-region(n)"Comment or uncomment current line and leave point after it.
With positive prefix, apply to N lines including current one.
With negative prefix, apply to -N lines above.
If region is active, apply to active region instead."(interactive"p")(if(use-region-p)(comment-or-uncomment-region(region-beginning)(region-end))(let((range(list(line-beginning-position)(goto-char(line-end-positionn)))))(comment-or-uncomment-region(apply#'minrange)(apply#'maxrange)))(forward-line1)(back-to-indentation)))
Implementing comment-line
26 Jan 2015, by Artur Malabarba.Why we don't have a
function is beyond me. While we fix that, might as well make it as complete as possible.Short and sweet, isn't it? In analogy to M-;. I find C-; to be a great binding for it. This way I can quickly comment 3 lines by hitting C-3 C-;.
Also, because it moves forward after commenting, you can conveniently do things like comment every other line by repeatedly doing C-; C-n.
Update <2015-02-01 Sun>
The previous version didn't quite work for negative prefix arguments, so I've updated the above snippet to fix that.
Also, quite a few people requested (or proposed) a version which acts on region if active. I already use M-; for that (and I also its other modes of operation), but I can see why people would want that so I've added it below. It's similar to the one suggested by Kaushal Modi.
Tags: programming, optimization, keybind, init.el, emacs,
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