When you have more than one browser installed, you must choose which
one's the default. The OS will then proceed to open all URLs in the
default browser, even if it happens to be closed while another one
happens to be running.
At least in Emacs we can fix that behavior. The following code
configures Emacs to use whatever browser happens to be open right now,
instead of always defaulting to the same one.
;;; We don't need to `require' because this function is only;;; ever called by `browse-url' itself. But if you have;;; problems, try uncommenting this:;; (require 'browse-url)(defunendless/browse-url-best-browser(url&rest_)"Use a running browser or start the preferred one."(setqurl(browse-url-encode-urlurl))(let((process-environment(browse-url-process-environment))(command(endless/decide-browser)))(start-process(concatcommand" "url)nilcommandurl)));; Use this for all links. If you actually don't want some;; links to be viewed externally, change this line here.(setqbrowse-url-browser-function'((".".endless/browse-url-best-browser)))
Here we configure our preferences through the endless/browser-list
variable. Its value is a list of cons cells, each representing a
browser. The car is a regexp to match the name of the browser's
process (used to determine whether the browser is running), and the cdr
is the name of the executable.
(defcustomendless/browser-list'(("xulrunner\\|conkeror"."conkeror.sh")("xulrunner\\|conkeror"."conkeror")"conkeror.exe";; This works if it's in your $PATH"luakit"("chrome$"."google-chrome-stable")"chromium""chromium-browser"("firefox\\|mozilla"."firefox");; This works regardless of your $PATH("firefox.exe"."c:/Program Files (x86)/Mozilla Firefox/firefox.exe"))"List of browsers by order of preference.
Each element is a cons cell (REGEXP . EXEC-FILE).
If REGEXP matches the name of a currently running process and if
EXEC-FILE a valid executable, EXEC-FILE will be used to open the
given URL.
An element can also be a string, in this case, it is used as both
the REGEXP and the EXEC-FILE.
It is safe to have items referring to not-installed browsers,
they are gracefully ignored.":type'(repeat(choicestring(consregexpfile))))
And this is the function responsible for checking the running
processes and finding a browser in there.
(defunendless/decide-browser()"Decide best browser to use based on `endless/browser-list'."(let((process-list(mapcar#'endless/process-name(list-system-processes)))(browser-listendless/browser-list)browserout);; Find the first browser on the list that is open.(while(andbrowser-list(nullout))(setqbrowser(carbrowser-list))(if(and(cl-member(car-or-selfbrowser)process-list:test'string-match)(executable-find(cdr-or-selfbrowser)))(setqout(cdr-or-selfbrowser))(setqbrowser-list(cdrbrowser-list))));; Use the one we found, or the first one available.(orout(endless/first-existing-browser))))(defunendless/first-existing-browser()"Return the first installed browser in `endless/browser-list'."(require'cl-lib)(cdr-or-self(car(cl-member-if(lambda(x)(executable-find(cdr-or-selfx)))endless/browser-list))))(defunendless/process-name(proc)(cdr(assoc'comm(process-attributesproc))))(defuncar-or-self(x)"If X is a list, return the car. Otherwise, return X."(or(car-safex)x))(defuncdr-or-self(x)"If X is a list, return the cdr. Otherwise, return X."(or(cdr-safex)x))
I've tested it on Windows and a couple of Linux distros. Could a Mac
user test it for me as well?
Intelligent browse-url
11 Oct 2014, by Artur Malabarba.When you have more than one browser installed, you must choose which one's the default. The OS will then proceed to open all URLs in the default browser, even if it happens to be closed while another one happens to be running.
At least in Emacs we can fix that behavior. The following code configures Emacs to use whatever browser happens to be open right now, instead of always defaulting to the same one.
Here we configure our preferences through the endless/browser-list variable. Its value is a list of cons cells, each representing a browser. The car is a regexp to match the name of the browser's process (used to determine whether the browser is running), and the cdr is the name of the executable.
And this is the function responsible for checking the running processes and finding a browser in there.
I've tested it on Windows and a couple of Linux distros. Could a Mac user test it for me as well?
Tags: browse-url, integration, init.el, emacs,
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