At last, Emacs 24.4 is getting released next Monday (the 20th). To
commemorate, I took a stroll through the “News” file and picked a
few new features that spoke to me the most. I had to cut dozens of
interesting items for it to fit the format of this blog. And I still
had to divide it into 3 parts.
Today, I’ll just list my reaction to some sweet new features. Worthy
of mention: back in December 2013 Mickey made a huge post also listing
new features, and Bozhidar has been doing a series of great posts on
the subject.
Favourite New Features
New [Tramp] connection method "adb", which allows to access Android.
New hook eval-expression-minibuffer-setup-hook run by eval-expression on entering the minibuffer.
You can enable ElDoc inside the eval-expression minibuffer.
This is awesome! Try it now! Evaluate the following, then call
M-: and type something like (message.
The Messages buffer is created in messages-buffer-mode, a new
major mode, with read-only status. Any code that might create the
Messages buffer should call the function messages-buffer to do so
and set up the mode.
New option load-prefer-newer affects how the load function chooses the file to load.
Hopefully, someday, t will be the default value of this. For the
moment, make sure you add (setq load-prefer-newer t) so you’re never
accidentally using outdated compiled files.
New library subr-x.el with miscellaneous small utility functions: hash-table-keys, hash-table-values, string-blank-p, string-empty-p, string-join, string-reverse, string-trim-left, string-trim-right, string-trim, string-remove-prefix, string-remove-suffix
Get in the habit of using these functions. They greatly reduce the need
for the s- package, not that there’s anything wrong with it but less
package dependencies lead to a cleaner environment.
Sweet New Features in 24.4
12 Oct 2014, by Artur Malabarba.New in 24.4 post series
At last, Emacs 24.4 is getting released next Monday (the 20th). To commemorate, I took a stroll through the “News” file and picked a few new features that spoke to me the most. I had to cut dozens of interesting items for it to fit the format of this blog. And I still had to divide it into 3 parts.
Today, I’ll just list my reaction to some sweet new features. Worthy of mention: back in December 2013 Mickey made a huge post also listing new features, and Bozhidar has been doing a series of great posts on the subject.
Favourite New Features
This is awesome! Try it now! Evaluate the following, then call M-: and type something like
.It displays in the mode-line!
I've announced my joy for this before.
Hopefully, someday,
will be the default value of this. For the moment, make sure you add(setq load-prefer-newer t)
so you’re never accidentally using outdated compiled files.Get in the habit of using these functions. They greatly reduce the need for the
package, not that there’s anything wrong with it but less package dependencies lead to a cleaner environment.Like
, but you don’t need to quote the body.User-experience, user-experience, user-experience.
Tags: emacs-24.4, emacs,
Useful New Features in 24.4 »
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